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Constantine Ectorius

Failed Bioweapon of the Empire

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It is only when they go wrong that machines
remind you how powerful they are.

It's difficult to remember a past that was erased. Scraps claw their way into his consciousness like malware spreading across a system. A proud and patriotic family, tears of joy at news of enlistment. And always that same fucking song. Playing on repeat through deafening static. It's enough to drive most men mad.But Constantine got bored of madness a while back. He recalls the medbay- or glorified laboratory, perhaps- that he awoke in. The searing pain of shrapnel and hellsfire summoned by those Westerners, he should've died, perhaps that would've been a blessing in disguise.

Instead he found a body only vaguely his own. Synthetic skin with shock absorbent meshing covered his torso. His vision held static as cyber optics whirred into focus. The beating of a heart replaced by mechanical hum of a blood pump within his chest. - He was only slightly glad they hadn't figured out how to replace his brain, but it throbbed in pain as circuits pulsed with signals, connecting man to machine.Constantine was the latest material to be dumped under the Golem project. Who knows how many came before him, discarded like waste when their bodies rejected augmentation. But through luck- fine or foul- he survived.He was to be set out and sold as another weapon for the Imperial army. A kill switch to keep him in line. And so the good soldier became a great soldier- but playing Gods comes with side effects. Who would have thought?

The details are scrubbed from any database that survived the fall of Garlemald. Only that the Golem Project was deemed a failure, Constantine just more scrap to be decommissioned once every last use had been squeezed out of him.But such a date never came. His nation turned captors the ones to fall to ruin. And with it- a strange sensation; freedom.The pardoning process was lengthy, but a new life granted. A land full of individuals that were... interesting, perhaps. Colourful, definitely. But shit if they aren't savages. How is he to handle it..?

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The real problem is not whether machines think
but whether men do.

nameConstantine Quo Ectorius
ageearly 20s
figureathletic, tall
racegarlean midlander (conscript)
statussingle, hetero
occupationbounty hunter, marksman
likestechnology, exploration, tune-ups, cigarettes, tinkering, gizmos & doodads
dislikeseorzea, dated tech, thunderstorms
alignmentchaotic neutral

Maybe mistaken for an over-sized mammet at first, the hyur stands tall and broad. Chunks of flesh and bone replaced by metal and synthetics. A voice that seems tired and disinterested, but a mind easily piqued by newfound interests and a willingness to learn. There's just a small hurdle of a lifetime of propaganda and technocentrism to get past...

Voice Ref: Cayde-6 - Destiny 2

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In consequence of inventing machines,
men will be devoured by them.

IMPERIAL. [Common]
Love them or hate them, Constantine is a remnant of Garlemald, left astray after its ruination. Carrying the usual pride that many members of the nation do, he proves surprisingly adaptable to foreign cultures and peoples. His home just did it better, obviously. Have a particular distaste for garlic? Interested in one who didn't leave the other side until the bitter end?
Worn upon his skin, and in parts, making it, the man is covered in machinery. Various effects, enhancements and drawbacks offered by the gear. A gearhead, fascinated by what he holds? Someone who sees the use in an enhanced soldier for their own plans? Just find it freaky to look at? Say something.
DEADEYE (Common)
A garlean made, but personally customized rifle always seems to be attached to him. At worst, his sidepiece will be hidden somewhere on his person. Constantine is a man of bullets and ballistics. Good for covering from afar, or guarding up close. Everyone has need for a hired gun, his price is good too.

MASKED [Common]
It's rare to see his actual face. A metallic dome often taking its place instead. Capable of offering some utilitarian functions and protective traits, maybe it adds some intrigue? Want to know what he looks like beneath it (ICly at least)? You'll have to work to find out.
A hushed effort worked on by Garlean Medicus' and Architectus', a goal of providing their forces with the next weapon that might turn the tides of an ever more losing battle. But with records scrubbed and most dead or in hiding, who was actually involved within it?
Perhaps you were a garlean ally saved by the borged up product of this project, or you fought on the battlefields against it. He's pretty hard to forget.HITHERTO UNKNOWN [Rare]
What happened before he fell victim to the ambition of madmen? Who was he? Who were his family? Who were his friends? Is Constantine Ectorius even a real name? It's all trapped in there, somewhere. It has to be. He just needs to find the key to unlock it.

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played byarlo
time zoneGMT

General rules.
Player is 21+! Please be at least the same for RP.
I'm a sucker for romance plots, but I'm in no rush to seek them out. If anything is to happen it'll be slow burn, you've been warned!Const falls into some of FFXIV's more sci-fi themed areas, but nothing is written to be impossible or overpowered within the lore of the world. Sure, it's working within grey zones. But hopefully we can make something fun of it all the same.UK timezone! Schedule might be wacky but insomnia makes it work.
IRL anxiety flares up, makes approaching people awkward. But please! Approach me with a walk up or /tell for RP!
Roleplay style.
I try to mirror RP partners, but as always lengthy stuff is good stuff. Though better saved for 1 on 1s or smaller groups. Big groups are fun too! I just feel guilty for flooding chat.
Preferred themes.
Looking for serious, long-term stuff with a splash of comedy here and there. Dark/ Mature themes preferred, trauma is character development.
Also happy with light tavern RP and small-talk, though too much can get monotonous!